All the Info you need to begin a Ketogenic Diet. In today’s video I teach you everything you need to understand how to start a Ketogenic Diet. First, let’s start with what a Ketogenic Diet is. Normally your body uses glucose ( sugar/carbohydrate) as it’s source for creating energy. You also have an alternative fuel source called ketones.
In today’s video I teach you everything you need to understand how to start a Ketogenic Diet. First, let’s start with what a Ketogenic Diet is. Normally your body uses glucose ( sugar/carbohydrate) as it’s source for creating energy. You also have an alternative fuel source called ketones. Historically humans have always lived through times of feast and times of famine. In times where we had abundant food we ate our fill and created stores of fat for times of famine. When there was no food to fuel us with a steady supply of glucose we tapped into our fat stores and broke down that fat for energy. When you primarily burn fat as your source of energy that is called being in ketosis.
One way to get into Ketosis is fasting for periods of time to tap into those fat stores. You can also limit your intake of carbohydrates so low that, even though you are eating regularly, you will burn fat as your primary source of fuel. This is nutritional ketosis and is the basis of the ketogenic diet.
Watch through all the information I teach about:
How the ketogenic diet can improve insulin sensitivity, blood sugar control, inflammation
How restrictive diets like the ketogenic diet can help with food cravings and how you handle stress
What percentage of fat, carbohydrate and protein should you eat?
How to measure if you are in Ketosis? How will you feel on a Ketogenic diet?
Some food tips for initial stages of a ketogenic diet Some simple mistakes that people make that can keep you from getting results
How to STOP a ketogenic diet and how to learn from it?
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