Today, I’m thrilled to share a topic that is at the very heart of holistic health practices—It’s based upon the article I just read from Time- There’s a Reason They’re Called ‘Gut’ Feelings.

There is an undeniable link between your gut health and mental well-being. This fascinating intersection of our emotional and physiological states is a cornerstone of my practice and a subject I am passionate about.

Our Gut: The Unsung Hero of Emotional Health

It’s an exhilarating time in the field of health as the age-old adage “gut feeling” gains a new, scientifically-backed understanding. The story of Alexis St. Martin, who in the 1800s, survived a severe stomach wound, unintentionally showcased the first window into our gut’s direct line to our emotions. His surgeon observed that St. Martin’s moods were mirrored by his digestive activity—an irritable disposition slowed his digestion significantly. This observation was perhaps the first to suggest our emotions could physically alter our gut’s behavior.

At-Home Tip: Try keeping a mood and food diary for a week. Track what you eat and how you feel afterwards. You may discover patterns that help you understand your gut responses to different emotional states.

The Two-Way Street Between Your Gut and Your Brain

Our journey through life isn’t just guided by our minds or emotions but is a symbiotic dance with our physical bodies. Emotions like disgust, which help us avoid harmful substances, can sometimes take an extreme turn, as seen in conditions such as OCD or depression, where disgust can become debilitating.
Innovations in neuroscience have revealed that adjusting the gut’s activity, perhaps even with something as simple as a common anti-nausea medication, can ease these overwhelming feelings. This new understanding could drastically change our approach to mental health treatments, offering more precise and effective interventions.

At-Home Tip: When feeling overwhelmed, consider natural remedies like ginger tea, which can help soothe the stomach and reduce feelings of nausea and disgust.

The Vagus Nerve: Our Internal Health Moderator

The vagus nerve, a key player in our body’s symphony, carries the bulk of messages from the gut to the brain. This nerve is not just a passive line of communication but an active participant that can be stimulated to enhance our mental state. Vagus nerve stimulation, a technique used since 2000 for treating depression, illustrates the powerful influence our gut has over our emotions and vice versa.

Did you know that chiropractic adjustments can stimulate the vagus nerve? The goal of the adjustment is to relieve the stress from the spine so your nervous system can function in a state of EASE.  When your neck is carrying tension that can affect your vagus nerve.  Releasing the stress through muscle work and specific chiropractic adjustments can release the stress so you can function with EASE.

At-Home Tip: Practice deep breathing exercises to naturally stimulate the vagus nerve. This can help calm both your mind and your gut, especially during times of stress.

Beyond the Nervous System: The Metabolic Connection

Our metabolism, the process by which we convert food into energy, is also deeply entwined with our mental health. The link between metabolic diseases like diabetes and increased rates of depression highlights this connection. My current research is exploring how these intertwined pathways might be influencing both depression and metabolic health, opening doors to new treatment modalities that address both the mind and the body.

At-Home Tip: Incorporate a balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids (Best derived from fish oils), fiber, and protein. These nutrients support metabolic health and may also improve mood and cognitive function.

Embracing the Gut-Brain Connection in Our Daily Lives

Understanding the dynamic relationship between your gut and your brain offers more than just insight—it offers a roadmap to better health. By nurturing our gut health through proper nutrition, stress management, and targeted treatments, we can enhance our mental well-being and overall quality of life.
In our practice, we are committed to leveraging this knowledge to help you achieve and maintain optimal health. Each person’s journey is unique, and by understanding and applying the principles of the gut-brain connection, we tailor approaches that respect and enhance your individual health needs.
I encourage each of you to consider how this information might impact your own health journey. Are there changes you could make today that might improve both your mental and physical health tomorrow? As always, I am here to support you, whether through nutritional advice, chiropractic care, or simply a listening ear.
Together, let’s harness the power of our bodies to foster a healthier, happier life.

Feel free to reach out if you’re curious about how to integrate these insights into your own life, or if you’re experiencing health issues that might benefit from a holistic approach. Remember, the journey to better health is a path we can travel together, step by step.

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Yours in health,

Dr. Jason Piken DC, CNS, PAK

Dr. Jason Piken

Dr. Jason Piken is a Chiropractor, Certified Nutrition Specialist and Health Coach who offers a unique holistic and whole body approach to nutrition and wellness.

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