Could your back pain actually be caused by a food sensitivity?

In this episode I use “Sarah’s” story to illustrate an extremely common cause for many chronic pains. In this case “Sarah” had an initial complaint of lower back pain. “Sarah” also had many other aches and pains that she had become so used to that she wasn’t even going to tell me about them.

Unfortunately I see this all the time. People come to me for one specific problem and what I learn from taking the time to do a really comprehensive history is that they have many other symptoms that they would like to address as well.

My process is simple. I look to find out what stresses have been causing the symptoms. When you remove the stress the body can heal the symptoms.

These stresses are either physical ones (misalignment, muscle weakness, scar tissue), emotional (work, relationship, finances…), or in “Sarah’s” case, a chemistry issue.

“Sarah” had been suffering with chronic constipation. We figured out that the biggest causes of her constipation were her daily habits of eating wheat and dairy products. After just 30 days of getting these two foods out of her life not only was she pooping regularly and without straining but her aches and pains were vanishing.

Chronic gut issues, even ones that we believe are “normal” because we’ve lived with them forever have a huge impact on our overall health.

Watch the video to learn more!


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Dr. Jason Piken

Dr. Jason Piken is a Chiropractor, Certified Nutrition Specialist and Health Coach who offers a unique holistic and whole body approach to nutrition and wellness.

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