Clean what?  In between, when?  Today is day one of 30 days clean of eating.  Don’t worry, I’ll explain.  I eat pretty well in general.  I can easily say better than most, but there are times, sometimes, weeks, sometimes a few months when I stray from my rules for too long and feel that I need a reset.  That reset feeling started back in July but I was unwilling to implement any restrictions, I was going to be away from home a few times over the summer and didn’t want to care about food rules. 

So let me get to the explanation of what “clean” means for the next 30 days. It can easily be summed up with this pledge that I make to myself.  “For the next 30 days, I will eat no processed foods“.  There are exceptions, though.  You don’t need to do anything perfectly in order to make changes.  What are my exceptions?

  • Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate- This brand is on the safe list as far as cadmium and lead goes.
  • Prepackaged items that have 1 or 2 ingredients – Sardines in olive oil, Canned Tomato, Peanut Butter, Rice, Beans…
  • Herbs / Spices
  • Supplements
  • Alcohol on weekends

That’s it!  To be honest it’s not really that far from my typical diet but I had been eating too much pizza, too much rice pasta, and a few too many desserts.  I needed to reign things in a bit.  This is how I do it.  Once or twice a year, I give myself strict food rules that I adhere to for 30 days.  That simple act of following 30 days of any discipline is like hitting a reset switch in your brain.  When your 30 days are over, your tastebuds change, your cravings change and you are ready to live a better life than you had been living before.

I never explained the “In Between” from the subject line.  “In between” right now is between summer and the holiday season.  I did my first 30 days of discipline earlier this year between New Year’s and the start of spring.  That time I just avoided Gluten, dairy, and alcohol for 30 days.

Do you feel that some parts of your life can Be Better?  Set up your own 30 days of discipline.  It could be:

  • 30 days of getting to bed by 10 pm
  • 30 days of daily exercise
  • 30 days of no social media
  • 30 days of daily meditation
  • 30 days gluten Free
  • 30 days of no sugar

There is no right or wrong way to do this EXCEPT ONE!  Be thoughtful of the promises/pledges that you make to yourself.  The worst habit I see is the habit of letting yourself down.  It’s not bad to set a goal, work on it, and fail to achieve that goal.  I believe it is problematic to say that you are going to do something that you have full control over and then change your mind before you’ve accomplished it.  This is why I make VERY FEW promises/pledges to myself.  When you break a promise to yourself it only hurts YOU.  Choose wisely, make your commitments challenging but achievable.  

Want some help?  Schedule a visit and let’s start working on a Better You!


Yours in health,

Dr. Jason Piken DC, CNS, PAK

Dr. Jason Piken

Dr. Jason Piken is a Chiropractor, Certified Nutrition Specialist and Health Coach who offers a unique holistic and whole body approach to nutrition and wellness.

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